Monday, January 26, 2009

JInitiator 1.3 Fatal Error in Oracle Automation

When the Java support is enabled (i.e., the coffee cup is in "Enabled" mode), the following error is flashed when trying to load Oracle Applications: "Jinitiator X.X Fatal Error - The Java Runtime Environment cannot be loaded."

This problem arises if QTP is not installed properly in the computer. I resolved this issue by the following setup/change:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kiran,
    I am having a similar problem as you mentioned above with QTP9.5 and Oracle Apps 11i.
    The link that you have shared below in the above post is not valid.
    Can you please share with me the setup that needs to be done in order to install QTP properly?

    My email id is:

    Thanks in advance.

