Friday, January 30, 2009

Don't send Error while opening Oracle Apps Forms

Des: When opening oracle applications it will throw don't send error window
Sol: Click on the detailes button on error window, check the message like 'jvm.dll' is mentioned or not. If jvm dll mentioned means, jvm dll got crashed please replace jvm.dll from another system or from jre floder(if installed) and restart the browser(IE).
Path: C:\Program Files\Oracle\JInitiator\bin\hotspot

Monday, January 26, 2009

JInitiator 1.3 Fatal Error in Oracle Automation

When the Java support is enabled (i.e., the coffee cup is in "Enabled" mode), the following error is flashed when trying to load Oracle Applications: "Jinitiator X.X Fatal Error - The Java Runtime Environment cannot be loaded."

This problem arises if QTP is not installed properly in the computer. I resolved this issue by the following setup/change:

Saturday, January 24, 2009